Wills & LPAs | Rise Legal
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Wills & LPAs

Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney



Q. When do you need a will?

A. Before you die - but of course none of us know when that will be.

So you need to make a will TODAY.

The absence of a will means that your estate - your assets and liabilities at the date of your death - will be dealt with under the rules of ”Intestacy” which may well result in your assets being handled by people not of your choosing and being left to the people you do not want - and probably tax inefficiently.

More importantly who will care for your children in the event of the death of you or your partner - the people you chose in your will or social services, because you have no will?

Contact us today to arrange a will to be prepared - it will not be as costly as you think and certainly not as costly as the alternative.


Losing mental capacity without a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place can leave you or anyone else unable to deal with basic day to day matters, such as paying bills or dealing with your bank, speaking to your lender or selling your property - or indeed life and death decisions regarding prolonging life in the worst scenario.

Your nearest and dearest who you might anticipate could speak to your bank, building society, lender or even doctor on your behalf will likely not be able to do so without an LPA in place.

With our help it is a relatively straight forward process to do this - there are two: one for finance and property and one for health and welfare.

Every adult over the age of 30 should have one.
