Rise Legal
Smart. Vested. Trusted.

Rise Legal | Solicitors in St Albans

Smart. Vested. Trusted.

A new approach to law.

The perfect blend of humanity, commercial acumen and legal experience.

Based in St. Albans, Rise Legal represents a wide range of clients, local, national and international. Rise Legal is a general practice, covering many different aspects of law, specialising in landlord and tenant and property generally and in particular litigation and dispute resolution.

Having worked in the industry for in excess of 30 and 20 years respectively, Jeremy and Sharon have the legal experience and the knowledge to tackle most legal issues and have access to consultants and barristers who can provide additional support where needed.

They know what frustrates clients - not knowing what is going on; not being able to get hold of a solicitor; not understanding complex legal jargon.

Rise Legal will always

  • keep you closely informed;

  • return phone calls;

  • copy you in on all outgoing and incoming correspondence;

  • use plain simple english in our advice and do our best to avoid legal jargon

We will do our best to accommodate you in meeting face to face, if St. Albans is not convenient. We embrace technology in all aspects of our practice and where getting together is difficult in practice, we offer video conferencing which can be simply arranged without the need to instal additional software, as a solution.

Read more about our philosophy ▸

Welcome to Rise Legal


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Areas of Practice


Ignorance of the law excuses no man
— John Selden


Get In Touch

Use the form below to tell us about your legal enquiry, and we’ll call you back as soon as we can. Please keep it brief and we’ll call you to discuss in further detail. If forms aren’t your thing, you can also email or phone us.